Holding on tightly to the support rope, the man made his way towards the top.The wind blew strongly, and despite being constructed from iron the structure seemed worryingly flimsy as it shook.His heart pounded he was looking forward to having his feet on solid ground again soon. As he got closer to the top the wind started to get stronger and stronger.He strageld and he holded on the rope as tight as he can.He tryed not to look down.The man walked up the path towards the top. He was scared of falling of the edge.As he started to get higher he got scared
Hello Chase, My name is Leejiin I go to Ohaeawai Primary. I am a year six What I like about this writing is that you've used good juicy words, what you need to fix up is your punctuation. After every full stop leave a space and always check your writing after your going to publish that's how I became a fast writer. Blog you later.